Ray-Ban RB3136 Caravan - Miles Teller - Top Gun: Maverick
Miles Teller wears a pair of Ray-Ban RB3136 Caravan sunglasses in the movie Top Gun: Maverick.
photo © Paramount Pictures
Ray-Ban RB3136 Caravan
photo © Ray-Ban
In this shot, the Ray-Ban logo can be just spotted on Miles Teller's Ray-Ban RB3136 Caravan sunglasses in the movie Top Gun: Maverick.
photo © Paramount Pictures

Miles Teller as "Rooster" wears a pair of Ray-Ban RB3136 Caravan sunglasses in the movie Top Gun: Maverick (2022).

Rooster's Ray-Ban sunglasses have a gold (arista) frame and green lenses.

🔥 Best seller
The Ray-Ban Caravan sunglasses worn by Miles Teller have been one of the most popular models on this website since the movie was released in 2022.

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Miles Teller plays Lieutenant Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, an F/A-18E pilot in the mission training group, and the son of Maverick's late RIO and best friend, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw.

The same model sunglasses is also worn by Jon Hamm in the same film.

Reference: Ray-Ban RB3136 Caravan

