Persol Ratti 58230 - Arnold Schwarzenegger - Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Arnold Schwarzenegger wears a pair of Persol Ratti 58230 sunglasses in Terminator 2: Judgement Day. In this photo you can see the Meflecto system in action (the vertical lines on the arms of the sunglasses that make it more flexible)
photo © Tri-Star Pictures
Persol Ratti 58230, black frame
photo © eBay
The Persol Ratti sunglasses are also used on the posters and marketing material for Terminator 2.
photo © Tri-Star Pictures
In the 2019 film Terminator 6: Dark Fate, a CGI generated Terminator wears sunglasses that closely resemble the Persol Ratti 58230 but are slightly different.
photo © Paramount Pictures

Arnold Schwarzenegger wears a pair of Persol Ratti 58230 sunglasses in the movie Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991).

The Persol Ratti 58230 sunglasses in the film have a rounded, black frame and dark lenses. The brow line across the upper half of the frame is slightly thicker than the rest of the frame.

There are two vertical lines, a signature design element of many Persol sunglasses. These lines are part of the Meflecto system which gives the frame extra flexibility.

Persol is one the oldest sunglass brands, formed in 1917 by Giuseppe Ratti, and until it was acquired by Luxoticca in 1995, it was operating under the original trade-name Persol Ratti.

You might be able to find these vintage Persol Ratti 58230 sunglasses online, there are usually a few on eBay, or ask specilalist vintage eyewear stores.

Alternative sunglasses

Magnoli Clothiers offers a replica on eBay for $89.


In the same film, Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor wears Matsuda 2809 sunglasses.


Terminator 6: Dark Fate

In the 2019 film Terminator 6: Dark Fate, a CGI generated, augmented reality version of the old Terminator appears, wearing sunglasses that closely resemble the Persol Ratti 58230 but are slightly different.


See more sunglasses in The Terminator film series


Reference: Persol Ratti 58230, black frame
