Oakley Plaintiff - Bradley Cooper - Hit & Run
Bradley Cooper in Hit & Run, wearing Oakley Plaintiff sunglasses
Oakley Plaintiff, polished gold/matte black frame, with bronze lenses
photo © Oakley

The character played by Bradley Cooper in the movie Hit & Run wears a pair of gold Oakley Plaintiff sunglasses. The pair seen in the movie is the Round version, and not the new Square model from Oakley. The model worn by Bradley Cooper has a polished gold frame and matte black details, with either custom or Dark Bronze lenses. 

The Plaintiff is currently only available as the new Plaintiff Squared, which you can customize on Oakley.com, or you can find the Plaintiff Round model seen in the film on eBay or Amazon.

In the same film, actor/writer/director Dax Shepard wears a pair of Ray-Ban 3362 Cockpit sunglasses.

Reference: Oakley Plaintiff, round, polished gold/matte black frame.

