Cartier C Décor Rimless - Adam Sandler - Uncut Gems
Adam Sandler wears Cartier Cartier C Décor Rimless eyeglasses in Uncut Gems.
photo © A24. Netflix
Cartier C Decor glasses, gold details, wood frame (in the film, Adam Sandler wears it with clear lenses)
photo © Cartier
Adam Sandler wears Cartier Cartier C Décor Rimless eyeglasses in Uncut Gems.
photo © A24. Netflix

Adam Sandler wears Cartier Cartier C Décor Rimless eyeglasses in the 2019 movie Uncut Gems.

The glasses have golden details, rimless clear lenses, and a wooden frame. This Cartier model is a very expensive pair of eyeglasses, up to $3000 depending on colors/materials of the model. A similar model was also worn by Laurence Fishburn in Black-ish.

The choice for the glasses was easy. "The Cartier glasses, that’s a jeweler staple,” director of the film Josh Safdie says in a GQ article. “That’s the same thing as a basketball player wearing Jordans.” The glasses fit with the rest of the outfit created by costume designer Miyako Bellizzi and consultant Mordechai Rubinstein.

The Cartier glasses and other gold items from the film were on display at a Uncut Gems popup store on 74 W. 47th St in New York in December 2019. The other items include Sandler's character's gold necklace with Torah pendant, gold Rolex Day-Date with gemstones, gold Star of David pinky ring and gold chain link bracelet, diamond stud earrings.

Cartier C Decor eyeglasses are hard to find online but you can find some on eBay.

Uncut Gems is directed by Josh and Benny Safdie and stars Adam Sandler, Kevin Garnett, Idina Menzel, Lakeith Stanfield, Julia Fox, The Weeknd, and Eric Bogosian. Sandler plays Howard Ratner, a Jewish-American Diamond District jeweler who is addicted to gambling.

Reference: Cartier C Decor Wood with 18k Gold Trim


